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Using libcurl with libevent

Can anyone show (through code) or explain to me how I might use libevent and curl together in a c program? I'm trying to write a high-performance non-blocking data monitor which needs to upload data to a CouchDB instance. I'm familiar with both libevent and curl, but merging curl_multi with libevent has me stumped for some reason. I do not understand the program flow of the offical libcurl example - can anyone point me to, or supply, a simpler example?

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Peter Downs Avatar asked Aug 03 '11 14:08

Peter Downs

1 Answers

The key is really the curl_multi_socket_action() function that should be used as soon as your event library says there's something on a socket to deal with. Event-based libcurl is more complex than "plain" libcurl so doing a very easy example is not that straight forward.

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Daniel Stenberg Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10

Daniel Stenberg