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Using Leiningen in Git Bash on Windows

So i installed Leiningen and git on windows. But git bash does not seem to find the lein command because it is based on a .bat file. It works in the windows command line. Is there any way to get the lein command to work in git bash?

like image 592
Siniyas Avatar asked Feb 03 '16 13:02


1 Answers

First, I added the lein.sh script into ~/bin folder. This folder should be added in the path by GitBash itself. If it's not in PATH, you can add lein.sh to any folder that is in there or simply add ~/bin to your PATH. Something like:


You can set the following alias on "~/.bashrc" in your home directory to it easier to call Leiningen:

alias lein='lein.bat'

It's working fine with Leiningen 2.6.1 and Git Bash 2.8.0.

like image 136
Lucas Kreutz Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 09:11

Lucas Kreutz