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Using Kubernetes' hooks



I would like to try Kubernetes' hooks but I didn't find any example how I should do it. As far as I know, with this hooks I can run bash scripts in freshly created containers and prior to terminate them.

I've found just a short documentation which say this is possible but that's all.

Do somebody have an example or something useful info?

Thanks in advance.

like image 239
Halacs Avatar asked Jan 26 '15 14:01


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1 Answers

I don't see any examples .yaml files, but Kubernetes API v1 describes the lifecycle events in the same manner. Currently, only PostStart and PreStop are defined and you should be able to use them by adding a lifecycle section to a container in your pod definition.

Based on reading the API definition, something like this should work (disclaimer: I haven't actually tried it myself):

  - name: lifecycle
    image: busybox
            - "touch"
            - "/var/log/lifecycle/post-start"
          path: "/abort"
          port: 8080
like image 65
Robert Bailey Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 01:09

Robert Bailey