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Using Julia package manager offline



We recently decided to make Julia Language available on our cluster systems. The cluster system is not able to connect to the internet. Is there any way to download all Julia packages and make them available for our different users to install and use them offline?

Another option that we have is a system that can connect to the internet temporarily, but it is always connected to the main cluster system. Is there any way to use this system as a mirror for the Julia packages or not?

We want to use "Julia 1.0.1".

our cluster operation system is: "CentOS 5.5

notes: I have seen the question asked before here, but it is for Julia 0.6 and a single package that will be copied by hand. I want that user uses the Pkg.add <pkgName> command but instead of the internet, the package manager gets the packages from our offline system.

Thank you for your help and time.

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Alireza Ghavaminia Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 00:11

Alireza Ghavaminia

1 Answers

Side effects are not known!
May please be tested properly before put into production!

a) Collect the required packages along with their dependent packages in compiled form, put them in folder, stdlib (for example: /opt/julia/julia-1.1.0/shared/julia/stdlib/v1.1/)

b) add stdlib path to environment variables, JULIA_DEPOT_PATH and JULIA_LOAD_PATH

like image 106
AVA Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 07:11