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Using Jasmine to spy on variables in a function

Suppose I have a function as follows

function fun1(a) {
  var local_a = a;
  local_a += 5;
  return local_a/2;

Is there a way to test for the value of local_a being what it should be (for example in the first line of code)? I'm a bit new to Jasmine, so am stuck. Thanks in advance.

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Chetter Hummin Avatar asked Mar 08 '12 14:03

Chetter Hummin

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1 Answers

Not really. You can do the following though:

Test the result of fun1():


Make sure it's actually called (useful if it happens through events) and also test the result:

var spy = jasmine.createSpy(window, 'fun1').andCallThrough();

Really reproduce the whole function inspecting intermediate results:

var spy = jasmine.createSpy(window, 'fun1').andCallFake(function (a) {
  var local_a = a;
  local_a += 5;
  return local_a/2;
like image 171
ggozad Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09
