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Using Inline Templates in AngularJS

I wanted to load an inline view template.

I wrapped the template in a script tag of type text/ng-template and set the id to temp1.html. and here's what my module config looks like

learningApp.config(function ($routeProvider) {     $routeProvider         .when("/first",{ controller: "SimpleController", templateUrl: "temp1.html"})         .when("/second", {controller: "SimpleController", templateUrl: "temp2.html"})         .otherwise({redirectTo : "/first"}); }); 

It tells me GET http://localhost:41685/temp1.html 404 (Not Found) in my console window meaning that it's looking for a file of that name.

My Question is: How do I configure my routes to use inline templates?

Update: Here's what my server-rendered DOM looks like

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>     <script src="/Scripts/angular.js"></script>     <link href="/Content/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"/> </head> <body>     <div class="container">            <h2>Getting Started with Angular</h2>     <div class="row">         <div class="panel" ng-app="LearningApp">             <div ng-view></div>         </div>     </div>  <script type="text/ng-template" id="temp1.html">     <div class="view">         <h2>First View</h2>         <p>             Search:<input type="text" ng-model="filterText" />         </p>         <ul class="nav nav-pills">             <li ng-repeat="cust in customers | orderBy:'name' | filter: filterText "><a href="#">{{cust.name}} - {{cust.school}}</a></li>         </ul>     </div> </script>  <script type="text/ng-template" id="temp2.html">     <div class="view">         <h2>Second View</h2>         <p>            Search:<input type="text" ng-model="filterText" />         </p>         <ul class="nav nav-pills">             <li ng-repeat="cust in customers | orderBy:'name' | filter: filterText "><a href= "#">{{cust.name}} - {{cust.school}}</a></li>         </ul>     </div> </script>     </div>     <script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>     <script src="/Scripts/bootstrap.js"></script>     <script src="/Scripts/app/LearningApp.js"></script>  </body> </html> 
like image 432
Ody Avatar asked Apr 20 '13 20:04


People also ask

How would you define an inline template in angular component with multiple lines?

An inline HTML template for a component is defined using template config in @Component decorator, as shown below. It can be a single line template wrapped inside double quotes or single quotes. It can also be a multi-line template wrapped inside backticks char `.

Can I use HTML template in angular?

Angular HTML templates provide a structured way of binding data exposed by Angular components to the end-user. For instance, this example shows making a drop-down calendar with particular controls. Think of it like any other input form control in that it is going to render the UI and provide the backing logic.

What is the option to choose between inline and external template file?

You can define it inline using the template property, or you can define the template in a separate HTML file and link to it in the component metadata using the @Component decorator's templateUrl property.

What are templates in AngularJS?

Templates in AngularJS are simply HTML files filled or enriched with AngularJS stuff like attributes and directives. A directive is a marker element that is used to target a particular attribute or class to render its behavior according to the needs.

1 Answers

Ody, you were on the right track, the only problem was that the tags are outside of the DOM element on which the ng-app directive is used. If you move it to the <body ng-app="LearningApp"> element in-line templates should work.

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like image 198
pkozlowski.opensource Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 22:09
