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Using in_array on collections

I need to check for a name in an array of names but I having trouble passing an array instead of a collection to the in_array() method.

My blade code looks something like this

@foreach($ecn->areas as $area)
{{ $area->area }}:<br>
    @foreach($area->people as $person)                              
        @if(in_array($person, $ecn->signatures->name ))
        <li><del>{{ $person }}</del></li>
        <li>{{ $person }}</li>

I know my problem is in the way im trying to access the list of signatures.

@if(in_array($person, $ecn->signatures->name ))

I can access them in another part of the page doing this

@foreach($ecn->signatures as $signature)
{{ $signature->name }}<br>

and everything is fine.

How can I access and pass the list of signatures as an array in this scenario?

like image 862
CFree Avatar asked Jun 29 '16 16:06


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1 Answers

If you want to use in_array() version for Laravel Collections then you can use:


It woks just like in_array.

If $needle is an integer, an id for example, don't forget to pluck first, like so:

like image 172
Amir Hassan Azimi Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 19:10

Amir Hassan Azimi