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Using IE dev toolbar on a pop up windowed web app

We are working on IE only web application that is run as a pop up window - without any toolbars. Is there a way to invoke IE developer's toolbar besides using a button on the IE toolbar, since it is not visible?


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laconicdev Avatar asked Jan 07 '09 14:01


People also ask

How do I use IE developer tools?

To access IE Developer Tools, you launch Internet Explorer and press F12 on your keyboard or select “F12 Developer Tools” on the “Tools” menu. This opens the developer tools inside the browser tab.

How do I dock developer tools in IE?

Press F12 to bring up dev tools in Edge. This undocks the dev tools then press: CTRL+SHIFT+WINDOWS BUTTON + RIGHT ARROW to move the undocked dev tools to the right of the screen and you can use your mouse to adjust the width of the dev tools relative to your main window.

1 Answers

Yes. You need to turn off the security option "Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars".

In IE9 the menu option is at (believe it is same in 8): Go Tools / Internet options / Security / (pick the right zone for your site) / Custom Level Under "Miscellaneous" Under "Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars", choose "Disable".

You should now have an address bar in your modal dialogs and be able to hit F12 to open IE developer toolbar.

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David Eison Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10

David Eison