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Using Idris to Model State Machine of Open-Close Door

At ScalaWorld 2015, Edwin Brady gave an exciting talk on Idris - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X36ye-1x_HQ.

In one of the examples, I recall that he showed how to use Idris to write a program representing a Finite State Machine (FSM) - for opening and closing a door. His FSM may be a bit more complex, but, given the following states:

data DoorState = DOpen | DClosed

data DoorAction = Open | Close

I wrote a function that, given a DoorAction and DoorState, returns the new DoorState.

runDoorOp : DoorAction -> DoorState -> DoorState
runDoorOp Close DOpen  = DClosed
runDoorOp Open DClosed = DOpen

But, the above function is partial, example: runDoorOp Open DOpen would crash.

I thought of using an Either or Maybe data type, but I think (from hearing that talk) that it's possible to encode this FSM in a type-safe way without Either/Maybe.

What's the idiomatic, Idris way to write the above function using path-dependent types, not using Maybe/Either?

like image 975
Kevin Meredith Avatar asked Nov 22 '15 04:11

Kevin Meredith

1 Answers

A common strategy to represent these finite state machines is to define the states as an enumeration (which is precisely what your DoorState does!)

data DoorState = DOpen | DClosed

And then describe the valid transitions by defining a relation (think: DoorAction a b means that from a I'm allowed to go to b). As you can see the indices of the constructor Open are enforcing that you may only open a door if it's currently Dclosed and it'll become DOpen.

data DoorAction : DoorState -> DoorState -> Type where
  Open  : DoorAction DClosed DOpen
  Close : DoorAction DOpen   DClosed

From there on you can describe well-formed sequences of interactions with a door by making sure that whenever you try to apply an action, it is allowed by the state the system is in:

data Interaction : DoorState -> DoorState -> Type where
  Nil  : Interaction a a
  Cons : DoorAction a b -> Interaction b c -> Interaction a c

In Edwin's talk the situation is more complex: the actions on the door are seen as side effects, opening the door may fail (and so it's not necessarily true that we have Open : DoorAction DClosed DOpen) but the core ideas are the same.

An interesting article you may want to have a look at is McBride's Kleisli arrows of outrageous fortune. In it, he is dealing with the same sort of systems equipped with an internal finite state machine in Haskell.

like image 92
gallais Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09
