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Using HTML attributes as CSS property values [duplicate]



The spec says:

The attr() function returns the value of an attribute on the element for use as a value in a property. If used on a pseudo-element, it returns the value of the attribute on the pseudo-element's originating element.


However, this doesn't seem to work. When I use background-image: url(attr(href)); I get string "attr(href)" as attribute value, not the value itself.


Any ideas why this is broken?

like image 403
quadmachine Avatar asked Jun 20 '12 22:06


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1 Answers

It's not broken; it's just that no browser has implemented the CSS3 version of attr(). Currently, implementations only exist for the one that was introduced in CSS2.1, which is limited to the content property for generated and replaced content.

Your syntax seems correct otherwise, until and unless changes are made to the spec.

like image 165
BoltClock Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10
