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Using Green DAO with content provider

I am planning to use GreenDAO in my project. I had already tested it by creating a test project. However, I have couple of requirements, which I need to fulfill.

  1. Database of my app will be encrypted. To do so, we are planning to use SQLCipher. I found this link. I am studying it, but interested to know is there anything available in original GreenDAO project.

  2. As my app will sync data to/from the server, I'll use SyncAdapter as I don't want to do all heavylifting by myself which is already done by Android framework. But it requires Content Provider to work with. So, how can I use GreenDAO with Content Provider.

Update 2

My project has seven entities. I used addContentProvider() over entities. And seven different content providers are generated. Is there any way to have all sqlite tables in a single content provider?

like image 648
Nitish Avatar asked Sep 27 '14 09:09


1 Answers

I have a project running with greenDao and a content provider. First I was using ProviGen just to generate the content provider and query with the content resolver but then the project turned to be very large so I decided to implement greenDAO, what I did is to use the contentProvider created in provigen to get the database from it, so now I have both the contentProvider and provigen attached to the same database. I encourage you to create your ContentProvider and attach your daoMaster to the database generated with it. Here is the piece of code I used in the onCreate Application Class:

private static DaoSession daoSession;
public void onCreate(){
SQLiteOpenHelper myAppOpenHelper = new ProvigenContentProvider().openHelper(this); //ContentProvider created previously
SQLiteDatabase db = myAppOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase();
DaoMaster daoMaster = new DaoMaster(db);
daoSession = daoMaster.newSession();

after that to use greendao just :

public DaoSession getDaoSession(){
        return daoSession;

And there you can have both contentProvider and greenDao. If you have not started your project yet then create the content provider manually and create the DaoMaster with the same code in here. Good Luck

like image 95
Eefret Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10
