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Using .findBy() with Ember-data-populated array controller


I'm writing some functional tests to test that my router is navigating and loading my models correctly. So far, so good--even in light of this issue.

I've created a fiddle, for your enjoyment. It doesn't work--I've never had much luck with jsfiddle and ember, in spite of forking @wagenet. But it has more source code to help get an overall picture of what I have going on.

My Biggest Gripe

So my biggest gripe is that the following code doesn't work to retrieve an element with a known id from a controller:

var controller = App.__container__.lookup("controller:postsNew");
var type1Option = controller.get("controllers.types").findBy("TYPE1");

I've done something similar in the setupController hook and it worked. But that was within the context of my application, so it looked more like this:

setupController: function(controller, model) {
    this._super(controller, model);

But even that doesn't work anymore! I'm also working outside my app, now--in a qunit test. So I have to use App.__container__.lookup(), according to everything I've read.

The Root?

What I've found is that controller.length is undefined--which is causing .findBy() to fail. And the items exist in the array...at least, I can see them by doing controller.toArray().

The Temporary Solution

The following is what I have to do instead:

var controller = App.__container__.lookup("controller:postsNew");
var type1Option = null;
$.each(controller.get("controllers.types").toArray(), function(index, elm) {
    if (elm.get("id") === "TYPE1") {
        type1Option = elm;
        return true;

This is obviously not as clean.

So, Questions

  • Is .findBy() broken?
  • Am I doing .findBy() wrong?
  • How do you use .findBy()??
like image 829
Beez Avatar asked Dec 27 '13 17:12


1 Answers

findBy takes 2 arguments, property key to test against, and value to find (it defaults to true if not passed in). Essentially you are searching for a model with a property TYPE1 that's true

You're probably looking to do this

findBy("id", "TYPE1")


Returns the first item with a property matching the passed value. You can pass an optional second argument with the target value. Otherwise this will match any property that evaluates to true.

like image 142
Kingpin2k Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11
