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Using F# Option Type in C#





I have the following type:

and ListInfo() =

let mutable count = 0

// This is a mutable option because we can't have an infinite data structure.
let mutable lInfo : Option<ListInfo> = None

let dInfo = new DictInfo()
let bInfo = new BaseInfo()

member this.BaseInfo = bInfo
member this.DictInfo = dInfo

member this.LInfo
    with get() = lInfo
    and set(value) = lInfo <- Some(value)

member this.Count
    with get() = count
    and set(value) = count <- value

where the recursive "list info" is an Option. Either there is one or there is none. I need to use this from C# but I get errors. This is a sample usage:

if (FSharpOption<Types.ListInfo>.get_IsSome(listInfo.LInfo))
    Types.ListInfo subListInfo = listInfo.LInfo.Value;
    HandleListInfo(subListInfo, n);

here listInfo is of the type ListInfo as above. I'm just trying to check if it contains a value and if so I want to use it. But all the accesses listInfo.LInfo gives the error "Property, indexer or event listInfo.LInfo is not supported by the language..."

Anyone that understands why?

like image 664
UmaN Avatar asked Dec 21 '11 13:12


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1 Answers

I suspect the problem is the LInfo property getter/setter work with different types (which isn't supported in C#).

Try this

member this.LInfo
    with get() = lInfo
    and set value = lInfo <- value

Or this

member this.LInfo
    with get() = match lInfo with Some x -> x | None -> Unchecked.defaultof<_>
    and set value = lInfo <- Some value
like image 200
Daniel Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09
