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Using ES5 array methods with ES6 generators


People also ask

Are generator functions in ES5?

Can generators be used in ES5? Yes, using babel you can transpile them to ES5 JavaScript.

When should we use generators in es6?

In a normal function, there is only one entry point: the invocation of the function itself. A generator allows you to pause the execution of a function and resume it later. Generators are useful when dealing with iterators and can simplify the asynchronous nature of Javascript.

Which is the correct way to declare a generator function?

The function* declaration ( function keyword followed by an asterisk) defines a generator function, which returns a Generator object.

How do JavaScript generators work?

In ECMAScript 2015, generators were introduced to the JavaScript language. A generator is a process that can be paused and resumed and can yield multiple values. A generator in JavaScript consists of a generator function, which returns an iterable Generator object.

What's the correct way of using the new ES5 array functions with ES6 generators? Do I have to explicitly convert the iterable into an array first, or is there a better way? For example:

function* range(low, high) {
    var i = low;
    while(i < high)
        yield i++;

// Sum of numbers in range, doesn't work
console.log(range(0, 10).reduce((x,y) => x + y));