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Using Entity Framework with an SSAS Cube

Is it possible to use Entity Framework (any version, including, and preferably 4.0) to query an SSAS cube (preferably SSAS 2008)?

like image 836
CodeMonkey1313 Avatar asked Feb 10 '10 01:02


1 Answers

Yes, now it is possible to use EF 4.0-4.1 to query SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 OLAP cubes (it is something like LINQ to MDX / SSAS). You will need to install SSAS Entity Framework Provider (tm) to enable that. You can checkout and request SSAS Entity Framework Provider here:


Disclosure: I work for Agile Design LLC - the company who offers this product.

like image 92
Grand Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
