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Using EJB interceptors after a method call

I know one can use interceptors before a method call by using the @AroundInvoke annotation.

What I would like to do is execute certain code after the method call, so that I can for example create a log entry before and after a method execution.

Is this possible with EJB3, or do I need to use AOP?

like image 758
Gonzalo Garcia Lasurtegui Avatar asked Jun 21 '11 14:06

Gonzalo Garcia Lasurtegui

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1 Answers

@AroundInvoke interceptor is passed InvocationContext, and proceed() must be called to advance the method. Thus:

public Object log(InvocationContext ic) throws Exception {
  try {
    return ic.proceed();
  } finally {

Depending on your needs, you could also log the return value or exceptions, filter the methods being logged, etc.

like image 191
Brett Kail Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 17:01

Brett Kail