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Using Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY in for loop (Java)

How would the following code behave, especially when the double counter reaches its limit ((2-2^-52)·2^1023)?

for (double i = 0; i < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; i++){
    //do something

Would this code behave as expected (loop forever) or fail at some point and why?


like image 919
Samir Avatar asked Nov 04 '15 18:11


People also ask

What is double Positive_infinity in Java?

public static final double POSITIVE_INFINITY. A constant holding the positive infinity of type double . It is equal to the value returned by Double.

What is double Negative_infinity in Java?

static double NEGATIVE_INFINITY − This is the constant holding the negative infinity of type double. static double POSITIVE_INFINITY − This is the constant holding the positive infinity of type double. static int SIZE − This is the number of bits used to represent a double value.

Can you use infinity in Java?

To implement infinity in Java, we can simply divide the number by zero as shown below in the example. That's all for today, please mention in the comments in case you have any questions related to how to assign infinity in Java.

Is Double Infinite?

double includes numbers, and it includes infinity, and it includes NaN.

2 Answers

At some point, i++ will stop having any effect, because for very large values of i, consecutive double values are far apart.

Therefore it is an infinite loop.

To prove there are double values for which i == i + 1 try this:

for (double i = 1;; i *= 2){
    if (i == i + 1) {

It prints

like image 148
Paul Boddington Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 02:10

Paul Boddington

This code will never exit the loop.

The reason for this is that adding 1 to a sufficiently large double number does not change its value:

double a = 1.7976931348623155E308;
double old = a;
System.out.println(a);      // prints 1.7976931348623155E308
System.out.println(old);    // prints 1.7976931348623155E308
System.out.println(a==old); // prints "true"


In fact, when the value of double gets sufficiently close to positive infinity, you need to add a number well above 10200 in order to make your large double change value and become POSITIVE_INFINITY.

The reason for this is the way double represents large numbers. It uses a short mantissa to represent the most significant digits of the value, and an exponent to indicate where the fractional point should be placed. In case of very large numbers, the exponent is essentially an indication of how many zeros need to be added after the binary representation of the mantissa.

In order to make your double number change value through addition, you need to add a number that is at least as large as the least significant bit of the mantissa. Once the binary exponent goes above 48, the smallest number that you need to add in order for the result to be different becomes 2, meaning that ++ would no longer change the value.

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Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 02:10

Sergey Kalinichenko