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Using data.table i and j arguments in functions


I am trying to write some wrapper functions to reduce code duplication with data.table.

Here is an example using mtcars. First, set up some data:

library(data.table) data(mtcars) mtcars$car <- factor(gsub("(.*?) .*", "\\1", rownames(mtcars)), ordered=TRUE) mtcars <- data.table(mtcars) 

Now, here is what I would usually write to get a summary of counts by group. In this case I am grouping by car:

mtcars[, list(Total=length(mpg)), by="car"][order(car)]        car Total       AMC     1  Cadillac     1    Camaro     1 ...    Toyota     2   Valiant     1     Volvo     1 

The complication is that, since the arguments i and j are evaluated in the frame of the data.table, one has to use eval(...) if you want to pass in variables:

This works:

group <- "car" mtcars[, list(Total=length(mpg)), by=eval(group)] 

But now I want to order the results by the same grouping variable. I can't get any variant of the following to give me correct results. Notice how I always get a single row of results, rather than the ordered set.

mtcars[, list(Total=length(mpg)), by=eval(group)][order(group)]    car Total  Mazda     2 

I know why: it's because group is evaluated in the parent.frame, not the frame of the data.table.

How can I evaluate group in the context of the data.table?

More generally, how can I use this inside a function? I need the following function to give me all the results, not just the first row of data:

tableOrder <- function(x, group){   x[, list(Total=length(mpg)), by=eval(group)][order(group)] }  tableOrder(mtcars, "car") 
like image 421
Andrie Avatar asked Mar 14 '12 16:03


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1 Answers

Gavin and Josh are right. This answer is only to add more background. The idea is that not only can you pass variable column names into a function like that, but expressions of column names, using quote().

group = quote(car) mtcars[, list(Total=length(mpg)), by=group][order(group)]       group Total         AMC     1    Cadillac     1      ...      Toyota     2     Valiant     1       Volvo     1 

Although, admitedly more difficult to start with, it can be more flexible. That's the idea, anyway. Inside functions you need substitute(), like this :

tableOrder = function(x,.expr) {     .expr = substitute(.expr)     ans = x[,list(Total=length(mpg)),by=.expr]     setkeyv(ans, head(names(ans),-1))    # see below re feature request #1780     ans }  tableOrder(mtcars, car)       .expr Total         AMC     1    Cadillac     1      Camaro     1       ...      Toyota     2     Valiant     1       Volvo     1  tableOrder(mtcars, substring(car,1,1))  # an expression, not just a column name       .expr Total  [1,]     A     1  [2,]     C     3  [3,]     D     3  ...  [8,]     P     2  [9,]     T     2 [10,]     V     2  tableOrder(mtcars, list(cyl,gear%%2))   # by two expressions, so head(,-1) above      cyl gear Total [1,]   4    0     8 [2,]   4    1     3 [3,]   6    0     4 [4,]   6    1     3 [5,]   8    1    14 

A new argument keyby was added in v1.8.0 (July 2012) making it simpler :

tableOrder = function(x,.expr) {     .expr = substitute(.expr)     x[,list(Total=length(mpg)),keyby=.expr] } 

Comments and feedback in the area of i,j and by variable expressions are most welcome. The other thing you can do is have a table where a column contains expressions and then look up which expression to put in i, j or by from that table.

like image 59
Matt Dowle Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Matt Dowle