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Using CSS to affect div style inside iframe




People also ask

Can CSS affect iframe?

Approach 3: You can use external CSS for the iframe, that is making use of external CSS file. Create a different file for the CSS code and include it in the HTML file using link and href tag before the iframe tag.

Can you override styles in an iframe?

Yes you can, with javascript. Note it works best with the iframe URL and the parent URL sharing the same domain.

Can you add CSS to an iframe?

Adding CSS File to iFrameYou can add entire CSS file instead of injecting separated styles by creating link and add it to the iframe's head. This method does not work with cross domain content. You'll need to set appropriate CORS header but it's not recommended due to security risks.

Can iframe use parent CSS?

You can not directly apply styles to the inner IFrame element through parent window CSS class even though its domain is same as parent. As ,(All the iframe's domain is the same as the parent) .. Best thing you can do is ,to add your main style sheet to the IFrame using javascript or jquery.

You need JavaScript. It is the same as doing it in the parent page, except you must prefix your JavaScript command with the name of the iframe.

Remember, the same origin policy applies, so you can only do this to an iframe element which is coming from your own server.

I use the Prototype framework to make it easier:

frame1.$('mydiv').style.border = '1px solid #000000'



In short no.

You can not apply CSS to HTML that is loaded in an iframe, unless you have control over the page loaded in the iframe due to cross-domain resource restrictions.

Yes. Take a look at this other thread for details: How to apply CSS to iframe?

var cssLink = document.createElement("link");
cssLink.href = "style.css";  
cssLink.rel = "stylesheet";  
cssLink.type = "text/css";  

You can retrieve the contents of an iframe first and then use jQuery selectors against them as usual.



$("#iframe-id").contents().find("img").onclick(function(){ zoomit($(this)); });

Good Luck!

The quick answer is: No, sorry.

It's not possible using just CSS. You basically need to have control over the iframe content in order to style it. There are methods using javascript or your web language of choice (which I've read a little about, but am not to familiar with myself) to insert some needed styles dynamically, but you would need direct control over the iframe content, which it sounds like you do not have.

Use Jquery and wait till the source is loaded, This is how I have achieved(Used angular interval, you can use javascript setInterval method):

var addCssToIframe = function() {
    if ($('#myIframe').contents().find("head") != undefined) {
                        '<link rel="stylesheet" href="app/css/iframe.css" type="text/css" />');
var addCssInterval = $interval(addCssToIframe, 500, 0, false);