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Using CSS, how to "tightly" align "A" to the bottom/end of "B" where "B" has unknown width and text wrapping

I have a "sortable" table where the header of the currently sorted column displays an icon:

enter image description here

The sort icon is to be displayed at the end of the text (i.e., we are supporting LTR/RTL). I'm currently using display:flex. However, if the table width shrinks and the column header text begins to wrap, I run into ambiguous states where it's not clear which column is sorted:

enter image description here

Instead I would like to meet the following requirements:

  1. The icon is always be "tightly" aligned with the "end" of the longest line of text (even if the wrapping cell/button is wider).
  2. The icon should also be bottom-aligned with the last row of text.
  3. The icon should never wrap onto a line of its own.
  4. The button must be present and should span the full width of the cell. (It's internal styling and markup can change as needed.)
  5. CSS and HTML only if at all possible.
  6. It cannot rely on known/set column widths or header text.

For example:

enter image description here

I've been experimenting with a bunch of different combinations of display: inline/inline-block/flex/grid, position, ::before/::after, and even float (!) but can't get the desired behavior. Here is my current code demonstrating the problem:

.table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
  width: 100%;

.thead {
  border-bottom: 3px solid #d0d3d3;

.thead .tr {
  vertical-align: bottom;

.button {
  padding: 1rem;
  text-align: start;
  font-family: Arial, "noto sans", sans-serif;
  font-size: 0.875rem;
  border: 0;
  background-color: transparent;
  width: 100%;
  display: flex;
  align-items: flex-end;
  font-weight: bold;
  line-height: 1.4;

.sort {
  width: 1.25rem;
  height: 1.25rem;
<table class="table">
  <thead class="thead">
    <tr class="tr">
      <th class="th">
        <button class="button">
          <span class="sort"></span>
      <th class="th">
        <button class="button">
          Favorite Food
          <span class="sort"></span>
      <th class="th" aria-sort="ascending">
        <button class="button">
          Favorite Color
          <span class="sort">
            <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" role="presentation" style="width: 1.25rem; height: 1.25rem;"> <path d="M11.4709 4.2136C11.7638 3.92071 12.2386 3.92071 12.5315 4.2136L17.1277 8.8098C17.4206 9.10269 17.4206 9.57756 17.1277 9.87046C16.8348 10.1633 16.3599 10.1633 16.0671 9.87046L12.7512 6.55459V19.25C12.7512 19.6642 12.4154 20 12.0012 20C11.587 20 11.2512 19.6642 11.2512 19.25V6.55459L7.93533 9.87046C7.64244 10.1633 7.16756 10.1633 6.87467 9.87046C6.58178 9.57756 6.58178 9.10269 6.87467 8.8098L11.4709 4.2136Z"> </path></svg>
      <th class="th">
        <button class="button">
          Likes Neil Diamond?
          <span class="sort"></span>

Any ideas on how to accomplish this UI? This probably has little to do with the table or button stuff. Really I need Thing A "tightly" bottom/end aligned to Thing B (of a flexible width and which can have wrapped text) but Thing A can't wrap onto a line of its own.

I've tried messing with the flex values but any combination either makes the text wrap prematurely or not soon enough.

like image 947
robertwbradford Avatar asked Nov 26 '19 21:11


People also ask

How do you properly align in CSS?

To align things in the inline direction, use the properties which begin with justify- . Use justify-content to distribute space between grid tracks, and justify-items or justify-self to align items inside their grid area in the inline direction.

How do you left align something in CSS?

To left justify in CSS, use the CSS rule text-align: left.

1 Answers

Think you need JS for this. Here's an answer that should meet all conditions except 5.

const debounce = fn => {
  let frame;

  return (...params) => {
    if (frame) {
    frame = requestAnimationFrame(() => {

const text = [...document.querySelectorAll(".text")];
const iconWidth = "1.25rem";

const positionIcon = () => {
  if (!text) return;
  text.forEach(t => {
    const width = t.getBoundingClientRect().width;

    const icon = t.nextElementSibling;
    if (!icon) return;
    icon.style.left = `calc(${width}px + ${iconWidth})`;

window.addEventListener("resize", debounce(positionIcon));
.table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
  width: 100%;

.thead {
  border-bottom: 3px solid #d0d3d3;

.thead .tr {
  vertical-align: bottom;

.button {
  padding: 1rem;
  text-align: start;
  font-family: Arial, "noto sans", sans-serif;
  font-size: 0.875rem;
  border: 0;
  background-color: transparent;
  width: 100%;
  font-weight: bold;
  line-height: 1.4;
  position: relative;

.sort {
  width: 1.25rem;
  height: 1.25rem;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 1rem;
  left: 100%; /* no js fallback */

.sort svg {
  height: 1.25rem;
  width: 1.25rem;
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" style="display: none;">
   <svg id="arrow" viewBox="0 0 24 24" role="presentation"> <path d="M11.4709 4.2136C11.7638 3.92071 12.2386 3.92071 12.5315 4.2136L17.1277 8.8098C17.4206 9.10269 17.4206 9.57756 17.1277 9.87046C16.8348 10.1633 16.3599 10.1633 16.0671 9.87046L12.7512 6.55459V19.25C12.7512 19.6642 12.4154 20 12.0012 20C11.587 20 11.2512 19.6642 11.2512 19.25V6.55459L7.93533 9.87046C7.64244 10.1633 7.16756 10.1633 6.87467 9.87046C6.58178 9.57756 6.58178 9.10269 6.87467 8.8098L11.4709 4.2136Z"> </path></svg>
<table class="table">
  <thead class="thead">
    <tr class="tr">
      <th class="th">
        <button class="button">
          <span class="text">Age</span>
          <span class="sort">
              <use xlink:href="#arrow">
      <th class="th">
        <button class="button">
          <span class="text">Favourite Food</span>
          <span class="sort">
              <use xlink:href="#arrow">
      <th class="th" aria-sort="ascending">
        <button class="button">
          <span class="text">Favorite Color</span>
          <span class="sort">
              <use xlink:href="#arrow">
      <th class="th">
        <button class="button">
          <span class="text">Likes Neil Diamond?</span>
          <span class="sort">
              <use xlink:href="#arrow">
like image 173
sol Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
