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Using checkedValue binding with radio buttons

I'm trying to make use of the checkedValue binding introduced in knockout version 3, with radio buttons , but am not getting the behavior I expect.

Here's an example: (the viewModel has two properties; list is an array; checkedVal is an observable)

<div data-bind="foreach:list">
    <input type="radio" data-bind="
        checkedValue: {
            data: $data,
            index: $index(),
        checked: $parent.checkedVal
    <span data-bind="text: $data"></span>


I expect the radio buttons to behave normally, and checkedVal to be an object containing the data and index. checkedVal is as I expect, but the radio buttons don't select. Oddly, in my actual code the behavior is inconsistent; sometimes the radio butttons work and sometimes they don't, but it consistently doesn't work in the fiddle, as far as I can see.

Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding how this should be working?

like image 632
Retsam Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 16:11


1 Answers

Your checkedValue binding becomes a function as follows:

function () {
    return {
        data: $data,
        index: $index(),

Each time the checked binding updates, it calls this function to get the value. But the function always returns a new object. Even though the objects contains the same data, Knockout doesn't see them as the same.

You can solve this by making the value a string.

    <input type="radio" data-bind="
        checkedValue: JSON.stringify({
            data: $data,
            index: $index(),
        checked: $parent.checkedVal

Or by binding to a consistent value.

    <input type="radio" data-bind="
        checkedValue: $data,
        checked: $parent.checkedVal


You can use a custom binding that follows the same pattern as checked, but allows for a comparison function.

ko.bindingHandlers.radioChecked = {
    init: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings) {
        ko.utils.registerEventHandler(element, "click", function() {
            if (element.checked) {
                var observable = valueAccessor(), 
                    checkedValue =  allBindings.get('checkedValue');
    update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings) {
        var modelValue = valueAccessor()(), 
            checkedValue =  allBindings.get('checkedValue'), 
            comparer = allBindings.get('checkedComparer');
        element.checked = comparer(modelValue, checkedValue);

Then objects can be compared by contents.

this.itemCompare = function(a, b) {
    return JSON.stringify(a) == JSON.stringify(b);

jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/mbest/Q4LSQ/

like image 130
Michael Best Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Michael Best