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Using Boto to find to which device and EBS Volume is mounted

How do I find to which device an EBS Volume is mounted with Python Boto v2.0?

boto.ec2.Volume has some interesting properies like attachment_state and volume_state. But are there any functions for device mapping?

boto.manage.volume has get_device(self, params) but requires a CommandLineGetter.

Any pointers on how to proceed or some samples of using boto.manage?

like image 464
Vincent Theeten Avatar asked Mar 09 '11 19:03

Vincent Theeten

2 Answers

I believe attach_data.device is what your looking for. part of volume.

Heres an example, not sure if this is the best way, but it outputs volumeid, instanceid, and attachment_data something like:

Attached Volume ID - Instance ID - Device Name
vol-12345678 - i-ab345678 - /dev/sdp
vol-12345678 - i-ab345678 - /dev/sda1
vol-12345678 - i-cd345678 - /dev/sda1

import boto
ec2 = boto.connect_ec2()
res = ec2.get_all_instances()
instances = [i for r in res for i in r.instances]
vol = ec2.get_all_volumes()
def attachedvolumes():
    print 'Attached Volume ID - Instance ID','-','Device Name'
    for volumes in vol:
        if volumes.attachment_state() == 'attached':
            filter = {'block-device-mapping.volume-id':volumes.id}
            volumesinstance = ec2.get_all_instances(filters=filter)
            ids = [z for k in volumesinstance for z in k.instances]
            for s in ids:
                 print volumes.id,'-',s.id,'-',volumes.attach_data.device
# Get a list of unattached volumes           
def unattachedvolumes():
   for unattachedvol in vol:
       state = unattachedvol.attachment_state()
   if state == None:
        print unattachedvol.id, state
like image 90
Cbaker510 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 06:10


It isn't clear if you're running this from the instance itself or externally. If the latter, you will not need the metadata call. Just supply the instance id.

from boto.ec2.connection import EC2Connection
from boto.utils import get_instance_metadata

conn = EC2Connection()
m = get_instance_metadata()
volumes = [v for v in conn.get_all_volumes() if v.attach_data.instance_id == m['instance-id']]


Note that an instance may have multiple volumes, so robust code won't assume there's a single device.

like image 36
Jeff Bauer Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 04:10

Jeff Bauer