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Using bootstrap with bower

People also ask

What is a bower bootstrap?

Bootstrap Bower. Bower is a popular package manager to help you quickly deploy components. In this article I'm going to show you how to install Bower and how to use it to install Bootstrap.

What is bower used for?

Bower provides hooks to facilitate using packages in your tools and workflows. Bower is optimized for the front-end. If multiple packages depend on a package - jQuery for example - Bower will download jQuery just once. This is known as a flat dependency graph and it helps reduce page load.

Does bower use npm?

Bower depends on Node. js and npm. Also make sure that git is installed as some bower packages require it to be fetched and installed.

I finally ended using the following : bower install --save http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/assets/bootstrap.zip

Seems cleaner to me since it doesn't clone the whole repo, it only unzip the required assests.

The downside of that is that it breaks the bower philosophy since a bower update will not update bootstrap.

But I think it's still cleaner than using bower install bootstrap and then building bootstrap in your workflow.

It's a matter of choice I guess.

Update : seems they now version a dist folder (see: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/6342), so just use bower install bootstrap and point to the assets in the dist folder

There is a prebuilt bootstrap bower package called bootstrap-css. I think this is what you (and I) were hoping to find.

bower install bootstrap-css

Thanks Nico.

The css and js files are located within the package: bootstrap/docs/assets/


since v3 there is a dist folder in the package that contains all css, js and fonts.

Another option (if you just want to fetch single files) might be: pulldown. Configuration is extremely simple and you can easily add your own files/urls to the list.

assuming you have npm installed and bower installed globally

  1. navigate to your project
  2. bower init (this will generate the bower.json file in your directory)
  3. (then keep clicking yes)...
  4. to set the path where bootstrap will be installed:
    manually create a .bowerrc file next to the bower.json file and add the following to it:

    { "directory" : "public/components" }

  5. bower install bootstrap --save

Note: to install other components:

 bower search {component-name-here}

I ended up going with a shell script that you should only really have to run once when you first checkout a project

#!/usr/bin/env bash

mkdir -p webroot/js
mkdir -p webroot/css
mkdir -p webroot/css-min
mkdir -p webroot/img
mkdir -p webroot/font

npm i
bower i

# boostrap
pushd components/bootstrap
npm i
make bootstrap
cp components/bootstrap/bootstrap/css/*.min.css webroot/css-min/
cp components/bootstrap/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js src/js/deps/
cp components/bootstrap/bootstrap/img/* webroot/img/

# fontawesome
cp components/font-awesome/css/*.min.css webroot/css-min/
cp components/font-awesome/font/* webroot/font/