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Using awk sed or grep to parse URLs from webpage source

I am trying to parse the source of a downloaded web-page in order to obtain the link listing. A one-liner would work fine. Here's what I've tried thus far:

This seems to leave out parts of the URL from some of the page names.

$ cat file.html | grep -o -E '\b(([\w-]+://?|domain[.]org)[^\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|/)))'|sort -ut/ -k3

This gets all of the URL's but I do not want to include links that have/are anchor links. Also I want to be able to specify the domain.org/folder/:

$ awk 'BEGIN{
    if ( $o ~ /href/){
      print $(o)
}' file.html
like image 321
Astron Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 23:12


1 Answers

If you are only parsing something like < a > tags, you could just match the href attribute like this:

$ cat file.html | grep -o -E 'href="([^"#]+)"' | cut -d'"' -f2 | sort | uniq

That will ignore the anchor and also guarantee that you have uniques. This does assume that the page has well-formed (X)HTML, but you could pass it through Tidy first.

like image 171
mjbommar Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 13:12
