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Using @nestjs/graphql to create nested queries using @ResolveProperty and @Resolvers

Referencing the type-graphql sample repo in the NestJS repository here I am wondering how to create two more layers deep in the query.

Currently it is setup to query recipes, I was able to add another @ObjectType class

export class Author {
  @Field(type => Int)
  id: number;

  @Field({ nullable: true })
  firstName?: string;

  @Field({ nullable: true })
  lastName?: string;

and created a @ResolveProperty inside the Recipe Resolver with:

  @ResolveProperty('author', type => Author)
  async getAuthor(@Parent() recipe) {
    console.log('Resolver auth in recipe', recipe);
   // This will be a database call, just mocking data for now.
    return Promise.resolve({ id: 1, firstName: 'john', lastName: 'smith' });

This all works fine (I also created a seperate resolver for Author but it is not my base query so I am not includng it), using this GraphQL query

  recipe(id: "1") {
    author {

This query returns

  "data": {
    "recipe": {
      "title": "1",
      "author": {
        "firstName": "john"

as it should. My question now is how do I add another level? I tried to create a "Publisher" ObjectType

export class Publisher {
  @Field(type => Int)
  id: number;

But no combination of creating resolvers or adding ResolveProperty in the Author and Recipe resolvers made it work. Where am I supposed to put the resolver code so that when GraphQL resolvers the Author object it will also resolve the associated Publisher info.

My goal is to get it so that a query such as:

  recipe(id: "1") {
    author {
      publisher: {

would return

  "data": {
    "recipe": {
      "title": "1",
      "author": {
        "firstName": "jay",
        "publisher": {
           id: 4        

Not sure if I am thinking about this wrong but this seems to be a key idea im missing to be able to expand on it! Thank you.

like image 271
Jay Bell Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 17:11

Jay Bell

1 Answers

You would basically just define an AuthorResolver that describes, how you would "work" with the Author. Within this AuthorResolver you would have a @ResolveProperty decorated method, to resolve your publisher property, like so:

// author.resolver.ts
@ResolveProperty('publisher', type => PublisherObjectType, {})
async resolvePublisher(@Parent() parent: AuthorEntity) {
   return parent.getPublisher(); // this method would return your Publisher!

Note that you need to create your own PublisherObjectType (with respective decorators) and make it available..

like image 80
zorn Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
