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Using `@ConfigurationProperties` annotation on `@Bean` Method

Could someone give a MWE of how to use the @ConfigurationProperties annotation directly on a @Bean method?

I have seen countless examples of it being used on class definitions - but no examples yet for @Bean methods.

To quote the documentation:

  • Add this to a class definition or a @Bean method
  • @Target(value={TYPE,METHOD})

So, I think there is a possibility and an intended use as well - but unluckily I am unable to figure it out.

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tmj Avatar asked Apr 05 '17 13:04


People also ask

What is the use of @ConfigurationProperties?

@ConfigurationProperties allows to map the entire Properties and Yaml files into an object easily. It also allows to validate properties with JSR-303 bean validation. By default, the annotation reads from the application.

Is @bean method level annotation?

@Bean is a method-level annotation and a direct analog of the XML <bean/> element. The annotation supports most of the attributes offered by <bean/> , such as: init-method , destroy-method , autowiring , lazy-init , dependency-check , depends-on and scope .

Which annotation is used for defining beans?

We can also declare beans using the @Bean annotation in a configuration class. Finally, we can mark the class with one of the annotations from the org. springframework.

Which annotation is used to configure the beans automatically?

The @Autowired annotation can apply to bean property setter methods, non-setter methods, constructor and properties.

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1 Answers

spring.datasource.url = [url] spring.datasource.username = [username] spring.datasource.password = [password] spring.datasource.driverClassName = oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver 
@Bean @ConfigurationProperties(prefix="spring.datasource") public DataSource dataSource() {     return new DataSource(); } 

Here the DataSource class has proeprties url, username, password, driverClassName, so spring boot maps them to the created object.

Example of the DataSource class:

public class DataSource {     private String url;     private String driverClassName;     private String username;     private String password;     //getters & setters, etc. } 

In other words this has the same effect as if you initialize some bean with stereotype annotations(@Component, @Service, etc.) e.g.

@Component @ConfigurationProperties(prefix="spring.datasource") public class DataSource {     private String url;     private String driverClassName;     private String username;     private String password;     //getters & setters, etc. } 
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Evgeni Dimitrov Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 19:10

Evgeni Dimitrov