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Using ant, rename a directory without knowing the full path?

Given a zipfile with an unknown directory, how can I rename or move that directory to a normalized path?

<!-- Going to fetch some stuff -->
<target name="get.remote">

    <!-- Get the zipfile -->
    <get src="http://myhost.com/package.zip"

    <!-- Unzip the file -->
    <unzip src="package.zip"

    <!-- Now there is a package-3d28djh3 directory.  The part after package- is
         a hash and cannot be known ahead of time -->

    <!-- Remove the zipfile -->
    <delete file="package.zip"/>

    <!-- Now we need to rename "package-3d28djh3" to "package".  My best attempt
         is below, but it just moves package-3d28djh3 into package instead of
         renaming the directory. -->

    <!-- Make a new home for the contents. -->
    <mkdir dir="package" />

    <!-- Move the contents -->
    <move todir="package/">
      <fileset dir=".">
        <include name="package-*/*"/>


I'm not much of an ant user, any insight would be helpful.

Thanks much, -Matt

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mixonic Avatar asked Apr 06 '10 17:04


1 Answers

This will only work as long as the dirset only returns 1 item.

<project name="Test rename" basedir=".">

  <target name="rename">
    <path id="package_name">
      <dirset dir=".">
        <include name="package-*"/>
    <property name="pkg-name" refid="package_name" />
    <echo message="renaming ${pkg-name} to package" />
    <move file="${pkg-name}" tofile="package" />

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mamboking Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 22:10
