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Using an HTML Textbox in place of an ASP.NET TextBox

If I add this to the ASPX page:

<input id="Text1" type="text" value="Text1Value" />

I would expect to see "Text1" in the list of Request Form keys even WITHOUT setting the runat=Server property.

? request.Form.AllKeys

I realize that if I do set that propery, then I will have a server-sided HTML control that I can reference using the name "Text1", but shouldn't I be able to access the text in the text box using the following VB.NET syntax?

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Chad Avatar asked Mar 31 '10 23:03


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IMO the main difference is that Textbox is not strongly typed. TextboxFor take a lambda as a parameter that tell the helper the with element of the model to use in a typed view. You can do the same things with both, but you should use typed views and TextboxFor when possible. Save this answer.

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The HTML textbox is an input control that allows the user to enter the text input on the web page. The <input type = “text”> is used to create a textbox.

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1 Answers

Because you need to add the name attribute. Try this

<input id="Text1" name="Text1" type="text" value="Text1Value" />

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Claudio Redi Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Claudio Redi