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Using alias from JOIN statement in FROM

I'm trying to build a PostGIS query that uses an alias of the JOIN statement in the FROM statement, but that is not possible. Is there another way to do it?

FROM building AS b, ST_Transform(sg.geometry, 31467) AS geom 
LEFT JOIN surface_geometry AS sg ON b.id = sg.cityobject_id WHERE ST_Area(geom) < 100
like image 795
megges Avatar asked Jan 25 '12 18:01


2 Answers

You can introduce an extra level of subquery.

So currently you have:

SELECT DISTINCT ST_Buffer( ST_Centroid(geom), ST_Area(geom) )
FROM building AS b,
     ST_Transform(sg.geometry, 31467) AS geom 
     LEFT JOIN surface_geometry AS sg ON b.id = sg.cityobject_id
WHERE ST_Area(geom) < 100

(I changed the indentation to make a bit more sense of it, although I still don't understand it: you don't seem to use the values from b anywhere). You need something like:

SELECT DISTINCT ST_Buffer( ST_Centroid(geom), ST_Area(geom) )
    SELECT ST_Transform(sg.geometry, 31467) AS geom 
    FROM building AS b
         LEFT JOIN surface_geometry AS sg ON b.id = sg.cityobject_id
) x
WHERE ST_Area(geom) < 100
like image 76
araqnid Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10


Why would you not try:

    ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(ST_Transform(sg.geometry, 31467),
              ST_Area(ST_Transform(sg.geometry, 31467)))
FROM building b LEFT JOIN surface_geometry sg ON (b.id = sg.cityobject_id)
WHERE ST_Area(ST_Transform(sg.geometry, 31467)) < 100;

It is also possible that this might work:

    ST_Buffer(ST_Centroid(geom), ST_Area(geom))
FROM building b LEFT JOIN surface_geometry sg ON (b.id = sg.cityobject_id) INNER JOIN
     ST_Transform(surface_geometry.geometry, 31467) geom ON (ST_Area(geom) < 100);

You might want to verify the placement of () as at the moment I have no place to test it.

like image 33
Karlson Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10
