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Using a Variable in OPENROWSET Query

I'm having trouble with this query:

SELECT *  FROM OPENROWSET(     'SQLNCLI',     'DRIVER={SQL Server};',     'EXEC dbo.sProc1 @ID = ' + @id   ) 

Gives an error:

Incorrect syntax near '+'.

Anyone know why I'm getting this error?

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Control Freak Avatar asked Dec 12 '12 01:12

Control Freak

People also ask

How do you use a variable in Openrowset?

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What is Openrowset in SQL?

In SQL Server, OPENROWSET can read from a data file without loading the data into a target table. This lets you use OPENROWSET with a simple SELECT statement. Important. Azure SQL Database only supports reading from Azure Blob Storage.

What is Openrowset in Azure?

The OPENROWSET(BULK...) function allows you to access files in Azure Storage. OPENROWSET function reads content of a remote data source (for example file) and returns the content as a set of rows.

2 Answers

As suggested by Scott , you cannot use expressions in OPENROWSET.Try creating a dynamic sql to pass the parameters

Declare @ID int Declare @sql nvarchar(max) Set @ID=1 Set @sql='SELECT *  FROM OPENROWSET(                ''SQLNCLI'',                ''DRIVER={SQL Server};'',                ''EXEC dbo.usp_SO @ID =' + convert(varchar(10),@ID) + ''')'  -- Print @sql  Exec(@sql) 
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praveen Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09


OPENROWSET requires string literals, not expressions. It's complaining about the plus sign, becaue it doesn't expect anything more than a string literal and you follewed the string literal with an operator.

See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190312.aspx which states:


Is a string constant sent to and executed by the provider...

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Scott Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
