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Using a static (prebuilt) PDF vignette in R package


What is the proper way, to include a static PDF file as a "vignette" in a CRAN package as of R 3.0?

The trick described in this document of using an empty stub Rnw does not seem to work in R 3.0. The document suggests that there is now a better way based on \VignetteEngine{} but it's not quite clear how this works for static PDF files.

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Jeroen Ooms Avatar asked Oct 31 '13 20:10

Jeroen Ooms

1 Answers

With R.rsp (>= 1.19.0) you can include a static PDF 'vignettes/main.pdf' by adding a tiny 'vignettes/main.pdf.asis' text file that contains:

%\VignetteIndexEntry{My amazing package} %\VignetteEngine{R.rsp::asis} 

and make sure to have:

Suggests: R.rsp VignetteBuilder: R.rsp 

in your package's DESCRIPTION file. This also works for static HTML vignettes. This is also explained in one of the R.rsp vignettes.

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HenrikB Avatar answered Jan 10 '23 02:01
