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Using a duration field in a Rails model

I'm looking for the best way to use a duration field in a Rails model. I would like the format to be HH:MM:SS (ex: 01:30:23). The database in use is sqlite locally and Postgres in production.

I would also like to work with this field so I can take a look at all of the objects in the field and come up with the total time of all objects in that model and end up with something like:

30 records totaling 45 hours, 25 minutes, and 34 seconds.

So what would work best for?

  • Field type for the migration
  • Form field for the CRUD forms (hour, minute, second drop downs?)
  • Least expensive method to generate the total duration of all records in the model
like image 511
mwilliams Avatar asked Jun 26 '09 22:06


2 Answers

  • Store as integers in your database (number of seconds, probably).
  • Your entry form will depend on the exact use case. Dropdowns are painful; better to use small text fields for duration in hours + minutes + seconds.
  • Simply run a SUM query over the duration column to produce a grand total. If you use integers, this is easy and fast.


  • Use a helper to display the duration in your views. You can easily convert a duration as integer of seconds to ActiveSupport::Duration by using 123.seconds (replace 123 with the integer from the database). Use inspect on the resulting Duration for nice formatting. (It is not perfect. You may want to write something yourself.)
  • In your model, you'll probably want attribute readers and writers that return/take ActiveSupport::Duration objects, rather than integers. Simply define duration=(new_duration) and duration, which internally call read_attribute / write_attribute with integer arguments.
like image 83
molf Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10


In Rails 5, you can use ActiveRecord::Attributes to store ActiveSupport::Durations as ISO8601 strings. The advantage of using ActiveSupport::Duration over integers is that you can use them for date/time calculations right out of the box. You can do things like Time.now + 1.month and it's always correct.

Here's how:

Add config/initializers/duration_type.rb

class DurationType < ActiveRecord::Type::String   def cast(value)     return value if value.blank? || value.is_a?(ActiveSupport::Duration)      ActiveSupport::Duration.parse(value)   end    def serialize(duration)     duration ? duration.iso8601 : nil   end end  ActiveRecord::Type.register(:duration, DurationType) 


create_table :somethings do |t|   t.string :duration end 


class Something < ApplicationRecord   attribute :duration, :duration end 


something = Something.new something.duration = 1.year    # 1 year something.duration = nil something.duration = "P2M3D"   # 2 months, 3 days (ISO8601 string) Time.now + something.duration  # calculation is always correct 
like image 32
Anthony Wang Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10

Anthony Wang