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zerokol has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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A highly tested programmer and entrepreneur (in free time) who loves challenges.

I can say that the love for games and spy tales made my career as programmer. Born from a desire to become a game developer I started to learn programming, nothing impressive, but enough to build animations in the old Adobe Flash, and reactive WEB projects (in 2005)...

...when finally I started a bachelor course in an University in 2007 and really learned what is programming, database, analysis...

...then, another passion, spy tales, entered in this story, how? Arduino, and its possibility to program sensors and actuators, i really loved that time, I was like a spy gadget maker (not really like a spy, I know)...

...so I was presented to another passion, Artificial Intelligence. I learned allot of technics and was applying it in robots. In the next year I was participating of competitions, I won prises 3 times (2012, 2013, 2014) in the biggest technology event of South America (Campus Party)...

...I the same period (2012), I started to work, of course. I learned a lot of technologies and tools, like RoR, Django, MongoDB, Mobile IOS Dev...

...I started a master degree too, I was working with Robotic and AI, that was amazing, I added a lot of mathematical techniques into my toolchain...

...So, this is my life until nowadays, learning new technologies, like React, ReactNative and Phoenix with (Elixir), and playing with robots (for fun). But it is not everything, in the pass of years I tried, without success (until now), build some tool that may turn me a new billionaire or something else (without pressure, I love programming!)