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Zeinab Ghaffarnasab

Zeinab Ghaffarnasab has asked 0 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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I have studied Artificial Intelligence at University of Tehran. I like research and develop and I'm good at this. Currently I'm looking for a job in Germany. I have 2 years of work in data mining and text mining field in a company. At this time I work as a full stack developer in an Iranian company that has big databases in all around my country. Some part of my job is writing microservices based on Spring Boot Application.

As another part I research and try to involve new technologies in our project ...

Some of this technologies are

  • Solr
  • Elasticsearch and Kibana
  • Messaging tools like Oracle Advanced Queueing and RabbitMQ
  • Apache Nifi

I used to code in these languages

  • Java
  • R
  • Python
  • Matlab
  • C#
  • JavaScript

I worked with Sql based and no sql databases such as SQL Server, Oracle, Solr and Elasticsearch

Currently I'm actively working with Java, Oracle and Elasticsearh.