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A programmer who has experience in design, printing, finance, and administration gained while working in private and government companies. He was interested in pursuing the role of a programmer because he wanted to progress and develop amidst the rapid advances in technology and information, not only as consumers but also as makers.

He is getting to know MS-DOS and Delphi at the high school level, since that time the desire to become an application maker that can benefit the wider community begins to grow. But the opportunity to continue their education to a higher level has not been obtained so he decided to work as a graphic designer at a printing company in Bali.

In Bali, the adaptation ability was formed because the educational background is completely different from the skills needed in the workplace. With a good work ethic and enthusiasm, for six years of service, able to meet the required qualifications and the opportunity to be appointed as a supervisor.

When he has the opportunity to continue his education, he chooses information technology to improve his understanding of programming. Programming languages ​​like C++, PHP, Java, and Visual Basic began to be recognized. This was done while working in a company engaged in publishing and printing as a layout designer and continued while working as a financial administration in a company's consumer needs.

After college, he worked as a data manager in a government office. Here, he was intrigued to develop his ability as a programmer so that his spare time was filled with learning Javascript [Ember JS, Node JS, and Express JS], Ruby [Ruby on Rails], and Python [Django].

He saw that some processes at work could be optimized so web-based applications were made using Ruby on Rails, the first application was made to optimize the process of making incoming and outgoing mail in the office which was able to reduce paper usage up to 500%. The next application was made to facilitate the process of collecting the files of Catholic teachers and instructors as well as providing a medium for sharing their information.

Then he got the opportunity to have a career as a programmer in his hometown, involved in developing hotel management and microservice applications, even though his range of services was short, he understood that documentation, communication, collaboration, and guidance from seniors was needed to develop the capabilities of a programmer.

Now he is actively participated in various activities in several developer communities to improve his ability in programming.