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Results-oriented iOS/Swift Software Expert with 7+ years experience for writing highly efficient, future-proof, clean, maintainable and quality source code using Xcode, iPhone SDK and Cocoa Touch.

My passion is to create innovative software with the user in mind, creating applications with a usable and intuitive user interface experience.

Passion driven developer who loves to code

Full systems development life cycle experience on various assignments, includes requirement analysis, design, code building, testing, maintenance, and support.

Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, positive and proactive attitude, team player and also able to work on my own.

Technical Skills Set:-

➔ Swift(1.0 – 5.0), Objective-C, C, C++, Apple WatchOS, Server side swift(Vapor) ➔ Apple store submission process, TestFlight, Fastlane ➔ Agile Scrum methodology, OOP concepts, POP, Reactive Cocoa, RxSwift ➔ Data Encryption, CryptoGraphy, Keychain, SSL Pinning ➔ JIRA, Git, SVN and SourceTree, CocoaPods, Carthage ➔ SOLID principles & Design patterns (MVC, MVVM, MVVM-C, VIPER, VIP, Cocoa patterns) ➔ REST and SOAP web service and HTML5, XML, JSON ➔ HockeyApp, Fiber, Crashlytics ➔ Unit Testing, Continuous Integration(CI) with Xcode Server and Jenkins

iOS Skills Set:-

➔ Core Data, File system, Realm, CouchBase Lite, SQLite ➔ GPS, MapKit, Location services ➔ Quartz and Core Animation ➔ GCD and Multi-threading ➔ Memory Management and Instrumentation ➔ Adaptive Autolayout, Storyboard, Xib ➔ InApp Purchase ➔ Audio/Video streaming, recording, caching and playing ➔ Push and Local Notification ➔ Integration with Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube, LinkedIn) ➔ Familiar with Firebase, AFNetworking/Alamofire, RestKit, MagicalRecord, CouchBase, Realm, Parse SDK, AWS SDK, OAuth1.0, OAuth2.0, Crashlytics, HockyApp, Swinject, Fiber, Instabug, Easypeacy