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Yas Ikeda

Yas Ikeda has asked 0 questions and find answers to 5 problems.


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I used to be a Java Developer for seven years when I was working in Japan. I was designing and developing systems using EJB, web application frameworks (e.g. over Struts, Spring MVC) with Oracle Database or SQL Server.

Working in a variety of projects across large companies (e.g. Sumitomo Trust Bank, Nomura Research Institute (NRI), NTT Comware), I accumulated knowledge and experiences in requirement analysis, systems design as well as implementation.

After moving to New Zealand, I've been a Quality Assurance Engineer and Test Automation Engineer. In recent six years, I've been working with C# and JavaSceript, writing code for server programs over mono or .NET Core, application/service with ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET Core with Angular or React front-end, as well as test automation with NUnit and Selenium for integration and system testing. My recent projects are all using PostgreSQL, so that I'm also increasing my knowledge in this database.

In my private life, I've been working on game development with Unity and Blender for three years or so, improving skills in Unity C# scripting and 3D modelling. I was not active on it for the last two years, but have been back on it since the beginning of 2018. Blender is also a tool that I'm using for Video Editing and Computer Graphics, which is for my kid's YouTube channel.