Geek of all trades, 20 year veteran of the UNIX wars. Cut my teeth on DEC, Slackware, Solaris. Moved into FreeBSD and found a warm safe space. Did TN-3270 to Windows 95 conversion. Knows which end of a cable tester to plug in. Taught myself perl on Usenet. Ported a startup from Perl to Java. Wrote, rewrote and ran F50 Telecom website in Java, on AIX, Solaris and now IBM Redhat. Built branded community for F50 Telecom under the table, got it bought off by the execs and now it's a key part of their support strategy. Moved on to run the analytics for Shop, Care and now the handset application at said same F50 telecom company. I'm in your phone collecting your data.
Product Ambassador for a F50 telecom company; I grok cell phones. (Android at least - and WebOS back in the day)
On the side I camp, hike, train youth on extended backpacking trips, lead youth on extended backpacking treks (Philmont) and I used to ride extreme distances on motorcycles. (Ironbutt Saddle Sore (1,000 miles / 24 hours) and Bun Burner Gold (1,500 miles / 24 hours). Seem to have ran out of time for that, so now I polish a garage full of motorcycles that mainly get used as tent drying racks.
I read pulp Sci-Fi; just finished Adventures of the Starship Satori, last week I read the Frontlines series by Marko Kloos.
I listen to all kinds of music - seem to have gotten hooked on Northern European rune-based music (Icelandic skald, Finnish folk music) from Warduna, Heilung, and for some fun, Nightwish.