Wiktor Kujawa is a graduated engineer from Gdansk University Of Technology on degree course of Technical Physics with specialization in Applied Physics and former R&D engineer in Eltel Networks Energetyka S.A. Skilled in programming languages: • Web: MERN(with apollo/graphql or redux), MEAN(with ngrx and rxjs) • General purpose: Julia,C, C++, CUDA, Python, Matlab/Octave, Mathematica • Microcontrollers: C(AVR), Arduino Specialized in numerical analysis, creating software applications allowing to solve engineering and scientific problems in fields of: • Heat Flows • Electromagnetic fields • Forces occurring on overhead lines in case of short-circuit currents • Induced sheath voltages and sheath circulating currents problems Skilled in developing MERN and MEAN stack apps. As he worked with C, C++, Julia languages benefits in creating web-assembly applications. More projects here.