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Waleed Tariq

Waleed Tariq has asked 0 questions and find answers to 15 problems.


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I do full stack development. Currently working at Emumba as a software engineer.

About my stack

For front-end I use React/Next in web development and react native in mobile application development. I'm well experienced in both component based and hooks based react programming. I'm well experienced in html, css and material ui as well. I use Typescript as my language preference over Javascript for writing code. For internal state management of the application I use redux. For backend I use node js and express for building and managing server and have practical experience in both sql and no-sql databases. I use databases such as mysql, mongodb, firebase firestore and firebase database. However my prefered database is mysql. For http web server and reverse proxies, I use nginx. For cloud services I use GCP over AWS and Azure. I'm well experienced in React, Next js, React Native, Google Cloud platform, Google Cloud functions, node js, express, mysql, mongodb, mongodb realm, graphQL, rest api, firebase firestore, firebase database, firebase storage, firebase authentication, firebase cloud messaging, firebase cloud functions, firebase hosting, hostgator, netlify, heroku, godaddy, pknic, github, algolia, api intergration, push notifications, authentication, email notifications, search engine. My current stack gives me the ability to scale applications easily without having the headche of managing large projects. I have a firm grip on languages Javascript, Typescript, Python and I'm really confidant about my code and writing style.

Note: I'm not open to any job offers or free lance projects at the moment.

#React #React-Native #Next #Node #Express #Mongodb #Mysql #Firebase #Google-Cloud #Redux