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Waheed Nazir

Waheed Nazir has asked 0 questions and find answers to 3 problems.


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Android developer with more than 7 Years of working experience in FinTech, Digital/Branch-less banking, E-commerce apps development and team management.

I am strong at:

  • Android SDK, Architectures (MVC, MVP, MVVM, Clean Architecture)
  • Dependency Injection (Butterknife, Dagger2, Koin)
  • Extensions (RxJava,RxAndroid, Event Bus)
  • Background Services, Multi-Threading, IPC
  • DataBinding, Unit Testing (JUnit, Robolectric, Mockito)
  • Networking (Retrofit, OkHttp, Volley)
  • Databases (Room, ORMLite, SQLite)
  • Firebase (FCM, Remote Configurations, Analytics, In App Messaging,Database, Storage)
  • Proguard, DexGuard , Encryption algorithms
  • Google API's (Vision, Maps, MapKit, Core Location,GPS, Analytics)
  • Google Adwords, Google AdMob, Google API/Developer Console
  • XMPP/Social/Chatting Apps
  • Other Integrations (Farbic.io, Facebook API's, Twitter API's)

I'm having experience in working with clients including One-Link, Telcos, NADRA, PaySysLab, EatMubarak, Bilogic Systems Inc, Avanza Solutions, AutoSoft etc.

I normally use these tools during my jobs:

  • Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse
  • Asana, Invision
  • Git (Github, Bitbucket, GitLab)

I write clean and secure code, carry of the quality of my work and I'm always ready to help my former clients and support their apps.