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I started writing code probably when I was 10. For some reason instead of getting NES or PS, i've got Sinclair ZX for New Year Eve and after a while I got really excited with what you can get, writing number lines of code.

I tried and played with a lot of stuff including prolog, lisp, c , turbo pascal, delphi, basic, bash, javascript, vb, vbscript

I truly love javascript and really like where is it moving last X years.

I'm working mainly on three platforms

  • .net (c#, iis, asp.net, sql server, wcf etc)
  • MEAN stack (javascript, node.js, express.js, mongo/postgres, angular.js, react.js)
  • Python (flask, web.py, bottle)

After trying and playing with number of client-side MV** frameworks, I stick with angular.js for now, waiting when polymer/platform became more stable.

However later I'm trying to step back from angular and do something similar to basecamp next approach, when again you render html on the server side.

I find it amusing that whole thing with ASP.NET user controls on the server is pretty much the same thing what we are doing with polymer on the client or react and angular2 in isomorphic/client only apps.

I've got MSPD .net 4.0 Web Developer certification (MCTS WCF 4.0, ADO.NET 4.0, ASP.NET 4.0)

My story with JS started with IE6 and client side calculators for totaling clients expenses on pre-print media, that was quite long time ago, when there was no AJAX buzz word. I moved to RICO, jquery, prototype, mootools and back to jquery, and was using mostly it since version 1.2 I belive. Also I was using ASP.NET AJAX for almost 10 years and find it to be quite under-valued framework.

I'm collecting 30 lines or less javascript examples, feel free to add yours http://30lines.info