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Viral Solani

Viral Solani has asked 5 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Love to craft web applications, which takes companies to the next level!

7+ Years of Professional Experience with followings achievements:

  • Deployed skills on a daily basis: PHP, Laravel, OOP, HTML CSS, Javascript, SEO, Web applications, Webshops, CMS, IT support.

  • Well understanding of database design and query processing especially in MySQL.

  • Sufficient idea about Linux and Apache configuration as well as web security, performance

  • Comprehensive understanding of client’s needs for the proper web project development and delivering the project as per scheduled milestones.

  • Well understanding of doing effective communication with clients by all the way like through e-mail, chat, and voice to get clear about the what exactly clients wants for and deliver it accordingly to full fill their needs with work satisfaction.

  • Good idea of the project management with different project management tools like Basecamp etc. to manage project best way with scheduled milestone and to-do list.

-Good experience with object-oriented development and SDLC.

  • A depth in analyzing web information system needs, evaluating end-user requirements, Custom designing and development solutions, troubleshooting for the web applications.

  • Executed multiple project in e-commerce with payment gateway and web services.

  • Depth in understanding every aspect of web designing template Integration with PHP.

  • Experience of web development with multiple web development technologies over multiple platforms like Windows and Linux.

Specialties: IT, Web development, MVC pattern, PHP, OO, Laravel, HTML, CSS, LESS, Javascript, XML, Webservices, Design patterns, Project management, Development methods, Hosting, SAAS, Continuous delivery, AWS, Git

Interests: IT and Tech, Laravel, Laracast, Nettuts+, Sitepoint, NoMad PHP, Innovations, Sport, Social, and to spend time with friends!

Feel Free to Contact @ [email protected]