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Vijay Kumbhani

Vijay Kumbhani has asked 3 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I am a professional C/C++ engineer.

• Over 7+ years of overall experience in Software Engineer • Excellent familiarity with C & C++ development & Expertise in working with C, C++ & Visual C++ and Visual Studio. • Experience on the web working with JavaScript, Python, CSS, XML, Google App Engine. • Worked in backend database testing using MYSQL, SQLITE, MongoDB. • Good problem-solving skills and highly adaptable attitude • Basic understanding of physical concepts of Data Structure and various programming Tools • Proactive, confident and with a positive "can-do" attitude.

TECHNICAL SKILLS: Languages: C, C++, Visual C++(MFC, COM & WIN32), Python,Perl, JavaScript, C#. Libraries/Protocols/Methodologies: The C++ STL, Design Patterns, XML Parser (Xerces-C++), sockets and multi-threading, AMF(Action Message Format) 0 - 3, MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface), GTK, Mono, Apache thrift, Electron, Angular Js Operating System: Unix/Linux/Windows/Mac OS X. Database/RDBMS: MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, ODBC, SQL Server, MS Query, MS Access. Technologies: Visual C++, C, C++, C# Win32, Python, JavaScript. Scripting Languages: Python, Perl, JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Source Control: Git, SVN, Perforce Framework: MFC, GTK, Google App Engine, WinForms, Dot Net Core, Electron, Angular Js