Experienced Fullstack web developer, Full-Time Freelancer, A huge tech enthusiast, and a big fan of everything web, with more than 9 years of commercial experience I'm always looking to work on exciting projects with exciting clients. Full of enthusiasm, hard work and dedication.
My new boilerplate for deno RESTful apis: https://github.com/vicky-gonsalves/deno_rest#deno-rest---a-boilerplate-for-deno-restful-apis
I have hands on following languages/libraries/Technologies:
► javascript
► Angular
► React
► vue.js
► Node.js
► deno
► Angular Material
► Mongo DB
► php
► Laravel
► css3/SASS/LESS
► IoT (Arduino, Raspberry Pi)
► Amazon AWS
► RESTful Apis
► Heroku
► Kubernetes
► Docker
► Ionic App Framework
► Gulp / Grunt
► Unit testing (Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, Chai, Sinon, Jest, etc)
► NGRX / Redux
Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/fl/vickygonsalves
StackOverflow Profile: http://stackoverflow.com/users/1548301/vicky-gonsalves
Website: http://vickygonsalves.herokuapp.com
GitHub: https://github.com/vicky-gonsalves