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Vaibhav has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I am a Computer Science graduate student at San Jose State University. My background includes a 4 years of professional experience in IT industry and undergraduate education in Computer Science major.

As an IT professional, with expertise in web-development and database, I was known for being able to design and develop software solutions. In the last 4 years, gained working experience with various public and private sector clients on projects like payment gateways, educational frameworks and ERP. In the role of module lead, focused on efficient resource planning, meeting deadlines and providing high quality deliverable.

My accomplishment includes designing and developing a payment gateway for organization. It was more secured, optimized and scalable than the previous version. Based on the latest statistics, it is now serving more than 1 million financial transactions in a single year. With expertise in databases, I was one of the key resources helping in database performance crises.

Interests include database optimization, web security and software modeling.

Programming Languages: Java, C, C++, JavaScript, Scala, HTML, JQuery, JSP-Servlets Web Frameworks: JSP-Servlets, Spring 3.x,4.x and Struts 2.0 Tools: Eclipse, STS, NetBeans, SQLyog Operating Systems: Linux, Windows. Database: MySQL, ORACLE, Neo4J Web Servers: Apache Tomcat 6.x, Glassfish 3.X XML and Web Services: SOAP, WSDL, JAX-WS, CXF, REST Miscellaneous: Google API, DbUtils, Twitter API, ActiveMq

Vaibhav questions