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Uttam Ughareja

Uttam Ughareja has asked 1 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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A senior ASP.NET MVC Full stack developer and NopCommerce expert. experienced in E-commerce, Cms and ERP domain, responsible for developing end to end fully-featured SEO friendly eCommerce, CMS Application as well as Umbraco cms development and customization.

pursue a strong knowledge of software architecture design, and always follows best practices and uses the latest technologies to build a modern App. Also, having a good sense of design, colors, usability helps to build beautiful UI that people love.

⚪ Back-End: ASP.NET MVC | .NET CORE | Web API | C#

⚪ Front-End: Angular | JQuery | AJAX | JavaScript | TypeScript

⚪ UI-Design: HTML5 | CSS3 | Bootstrap | Adobe PhotoShop | Canvas | FabricJs

⚪ Mobile App & Desktop: WPF | Xamarin | native Android App | native iOS App

⚪ Database: SQL Server | Linq | Entity Framework 6 | EF Core | Dapper

⚪ Architecture and practice: Rep-UoW | Factory | SOLID | DI & Ioc | MVC | MVVM

Do you have an interesting project that matches my skill set? Let's talk...! I can guarantee, you will see more value over the money you spend.

Thanks for your time with best regards Uttam Ughareja

Skype: live:ugharejauttam

Connect with me on LinkenIn