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avatar of user7348450


user7348450 has asked 4 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I'm a Senior Web Developer. I've been in the web development field for over 4 years, developing complex web applications for a big variety of companies from small startups to Barbershop, Food delivery and eCommerce Companies.

Currently I'm working mainly as front-end developer by using angularJS/Angular4, React.js, vuejs along with libraries like JQuery, Bootstrap, Highchart, D3, C3 and tools like Grunt, Gulp or Webpack, but also as full-stack developer adding to my back-end skills laravel5+,codeIgniter and PHP.

I have developed applications with PHP (Laravel/codeIgniter) in backend and HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3 and JavaScript in front-end. I made sites with the most popular JavaScript framework like angular, vuejs, reactJs. I've worked with different DB like ORACLE, MySQL, MongoDB. Also I've worked with third party SDK and APIs like Facebook, Yotube, Twitter, Firebase and Google.

Known technologies: AngularJS, ReactJs, VueJs, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, RESTful API, Response Web Design, Media Queries, JS and CSS animation, UI, bootstrap, bootstrap UI, Google App script, Mongo DB, JSON, Ionic framework.

Bug/Issue trackers: Jira, Asana. VCS: Git, SVN