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user3450148 has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Author of an award winning technical book series. Roughly three decades in IT. Started out with large scale systems on Midrange computers spanning continents before there was an Internet. This was honestly "everything." Stock exchange trading floor systems. Parts order entry/routing systems. Custom ERP systems. Electronic income tax filing systems. MSDS systems. Probably many many more that I have forgotten.

While I always bounced between the PC and the OpenVMS world (with a few other large platforms tossed in) I migrated to Qt and embedded systems about a decade ago. Really like the structure of medical device projects.

Most of my OpenSource work is on SourceForge. I only have one fork on GitHub and it will migrate to SourceForge as RedDiamond once I get back to it. On SourceForge I am roland_hughes.

Currently doing quite a bit of work with CopperSpice (a fork of Qt at 4.8 with lots of changes and all of the QML removed.) Eventually the porting of Gede debugger to CopperSpice (RedBug) will merge with RedDiamond to become RedIDE (name to be determined). Something similar to QtCreator but for CopperSpice. It will be sans the plug-ins and other bloat because QtCreator has become quite the resource pig. (Run it in a VM that has only 2 CPUs and only 8Gig of RAM for a while.)

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