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avatar of Umer Waqas CEO Fluttydev

Umer Waqas CEO Fluttydev

Umer Waqas CEO Fluttydev has asked 2 questions and find answers to 8 problems.


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🔥 Experience of Flutter for Android, iPhone, Web along with 🟢 Flutter Ui ( Front-end) Animations, Optimised, Light theme and dark theme, Pixel perfect UI and responsive for any small and large devices with 🟢 Backend connectivity with Firebase database or custom API

🔥 Worked with Flutter Firebase, Fire store database, Fire storage, Firebase Functions, Firebase ML in with Flutter and mobile app, Firebase ML model deployment, Python API

➡️ I have worked with highly🔥 million dollar companies that include 🟢 Get Needs 🟢 Grand Producer 🟢 Mega La etc

About me Over years of experience in mobile app development and full-stack developer, I started my development for Android (Java) then shifted to Kotlin and for iPhone app development i used swift, then started working on the Flutter app to make quickly mobile applications and completed 50+ projects in Flutter

✅ For backend i use

Firebase (Firestore, Realtime database, etc) Python (API) - PHP (API) - AWS ✅Database which I used

MySQL MongoDB Could Firestore Real-time database SQLite etc ✅ I have experience of

App localization - Dark + Light theme Flutter animation API - Flutter Shimmer animation Bloc, Providers,Getx Flutter Responsive ui and Pixel perfect ui Flutter animations ✅ Flutter theme data ✅What kind of project i have worked on

Food delivery On-Demand Cab Booking System Grocery Deliveries System Locations based app Banking app - e-commerce app-admin portal Wallet app 📞 Contact me 🌐